
Internal Process - Human Body Systems for Startup

Internal Process Perspective is an important part of checking Business Health, it is similar to Human Body Systems.
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Understanding Your Personalities

Success in business today is largely dependent upon people's ability to connect with others. Understanding your personalities and others is one of the keys to help you succeed
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The Power of Storytelling

Stories have tremendous power. They can persuade, promote empathy, and provoke action. Better than any other communication tool, stories explain who you are, what you want... and why it matters. In presentations, department meetings, over lunch - any place you make a case for new customers, more business, or your next big idea - you'll have a greater impact if you have a compelling story to relate
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Product Branding - Storytelling Techniques

Why the product story is so important? Because a product or a service without a story is just a list of features. Nobody needs features. People need solutions to problems in their specific industry. Storytelling allows for putting those features to work by defining practical scenarios. Each business is unique in a way - there are a company mission and business goals. There’s the company culture. There’s a backstory to starting the business. And an ideal subset of problems that are uniquely solved by a solution.
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